At times, you may encounter trouble accessing the full text of an article or resource that you think should be available.
When trying to access a journal, you may be prompted to sign in or purchase an article that should be available. Your HINARI institutional username and password will not work.
These access problems can be caused by:
1) failure to LOGIN with the institution's User Name/Password
2) technical problems at the Publisher's website
3) problems with local systems (such as the configuration of the institution’s firewall or browser)
4) The publisher has not authorized access – which is more likely to be a problem for Group B countries
To confirm that you have used the institutional User Name and Password correctly, check that you have the ‘You are logged in’ message on the HINARI homepage.
This is also confirmed in the address or URL search box of the web browser. If properly ‘authenticated’, you will see a URL that begins with:
Double check the access to a journal by going to the title in the ‘Journals by title A-Z’ list and verify the years of volumes available.
When viewing any page of the Journals by title A-Z list, the green box notes if your institution has access to the contents of the journal. The ! notes that your institution is denied access (predominantly Group B although some Group A).
The ‘years of volumes’ available are listed after the journal title.
If you are denied access to a full-text article despite the green box, please follow these instructions.
1. First Double check your login
2. Contact HINARI at
Please let HINARI staff know of problems by emailing so that they can communicate with the Publisher and resolve the problem.
In your email…
• include your institutional User Name,
• include the name of the journal(s) and other details.
• include a screen capture that contains the URL (Internet address) of the journal
Here is an example of a screen capture sent to It includes that This item requires a subscription and the publisher requested that the user Sign in or Purchase Short-Term Access.
• It also includes the URL of the journal. This information is valuable to HINARI staff
• You can create a screen capture by clicking on the Print Screen key while viewing the webpage of the journal. Then paste (edit/paste or control/v) the material into a word processing document and send as an attachment.
This additional screen capture notes that Journals by Title A-Z list shows this article should be available.
Sometimes the access issue may be related to institutional firewall problems.
• Please check with your computer department to make sure the institution’s firewall does not block proxy servers.
• The computer system must be able to access HINARI’s proxy server.
• Insure that you are permitted access to the HINARI IP address through your institution’s firewall. Otherwise, you will not be able to login properly and access HINARI’s full-text articles.
In summary, access problems can be frustrating, and could have multiple causes. To determine what the problem might be…
• First confirm that you are signed into HINARI
• Look for the icons that indicate that you should have access to the resource.
o In HINARI, this is a green box.
o In PubMed, this is either the HINARI icon or the free full text icon
• Email HINARI with details of the problem.
• Some users may have to work with their computer departments to ensure that the institution firewall is permitting HINARI access.
When trying to access a journal, you may be prompted to sign in or purchase an article that should be available. Your HINARI institutional username and password will not work.
These access problems can be caused by:
1) failure to LOGIN with the institution's User Name/Password
2) technical problems at the Publisher's website
3) problems with local systems (such as the configuration of the institution’s firewall or browser)
4) The publisher has not authorized access – which is more likely to be a problem for Group B countries
To confirm that you have used the institutional User Name and Password correctly, check that you have the ‘You are logged in’ message on the HINARI homepage.
This is also confirmed in the address or URL search box of the web browser. If properly ‘authenticated’, you will see a URL that begins with:
Double check the access to a journal by going to the title in the ‘Journals by title A-Z’ list and verify the years of volumes available.
When viewing any page of the Journals by title A-Z list, the green box notes if your institution has access to the contents of the journal. The ! notes that your institution is denied access (predominantly Group B although some Group A).
The ‘years of volumes’ available are listed after the journal title.
If you are denied access to a full-text article despite the green box, please follow these instructions.
1. First Double check your login
2. Contact HINARI at
Please let HINARI staff know of problems by emailing so that they can communicate with the Publisher and resolve the problem.
In your email…
• include your institutional User Name,
• include the name of the journal(s) and other details.
• include a screen capture that contains the URL (Internet address) of the journal
Here is an example of a screen capture sent to It includes that This item requires a subscription and the publisher requested that the user Sign in or Purchase Short-Term Access.
• It also includes the URL of the journal. This information is valuable to HINARI staff
• You can create a screen capture by clicking on the Print Screen key while viewing the webpage of the journal. Then paste (edit/paste or control/v) the material into a word processing document and send as an attachment.
This additional screen capture notes that Journals by Title A-Z list shows this article should be available.
Sometimes the access issue may be related to institutional firewall problems.
• Please check with your computer department to make sure the institution’s firewall does not block proxy servers.
• The computer system must be able to access HINARI’s proxy server.
• Insure that you are permitted access to the HINARI IP address through your institution’s firewall. Otherwise, you will not be able to login properly and access HINARI’s full-text articles.
In summary, access problems can be frustrating, and could have multiple causes. To determine what the problem might be…
• First confirm that you are signed into HINARI
• Look for the icons that indicate that you should have access to the resource.
o In HINARI, this is a green box.
o In PubMed, this is either the HINARI icon or the free full text icon
• Email HINARI with details of the problem.
• Some users may have to work with their computer departments to ensure that the institution firewall is permitting HINARI access.
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